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Software Development Course Abuja

Hello there,
Become a certified Front End Software Developer in 4 months.

Start: Ongoing
Registration is Ongoing
Physical (Abuja)
Virtual (Instructor-led)
Schedule: Weekdays or Weekends

The world is undergoing an accelerated digital transformation, which is rapidly reshaping all industries and sectors.
According to the World Economic Forum, over 83 million jobs are going to be lost due to technology and artificial intelligence in 2027. If you do not want to be left behind, there’s no other time to learn a tech skill than right now. Software Development is one of the major lucrative tech skill you can learn today that would help you stay relevant in this evolving digital world.

Jumpstart Your Career as a Software Developer

Master software development and make your dream job a reality with our comprehensive course. From the basics to advanced techniques, you'll learn to build robust and scalable applications, gain hands-on experience through projects, learn industry best practices, and develop a portfolio of projects. Whether you aspire to join top tech companies or start your own venture, enroll now and launch your career in software development.

Your Earning Potential As a Software Developer

Looking to become a Software developer and earn a competitive salary? Look no further than our Software development course! Upon completion of our course, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to land a job as a Software developer, with a competitive yearly salary that can range from 10,000,000 Naira in Nigeria to 70,000 USD in the US and 35,000 Euros in the UK, according to industry standards.

Roles You Can
Get When You
Learn Software Development

There are several lucrative roles you can get when you have Software Development skills. Here are some of them.

Frontend Development

Web Development Fundamentals
- Languages and Tools of Web Development
- How the Web Works
- Inspecting HTTP Requests and Responses
- HTML & CSS Basics
- Inspecting Pages Using DevTools & Start9- Validating Web Pages

The Head Section

  • Text
  •  Entities
  •  Hyperlinks
  • Images, Videos, Audio
  •  Lists
  •  Tables
  •  Containers
  • Semantic Elements
  • Structuring a Web Page

Providing CSS
- Normalizing CSS
- Basic Selectors
- Relational Selectors
- Pseudo-class and Element Selectors
- Selectors Specificity
- Inheritance
- Colors, Color Pickers, Gradients
- Borders

- Shadows

- The Box Model
- Sizing Elements
- Overflowing
- Measurement Units
- Positioning Elements
- Floating Elements
- FlexBox
- Grid System
- Hiding Elements
- Media Queries

- Styling and Embedding Web Fonts
- Flash of Unstyled Text
- Font Services and System Font Stack
- Sizing Fonts
- Vertical and Horizontal Spacing
- Text Formatting

- Image Types and Formats
- Content and Background Images
- CSS Sprites
- Data URLs, Clipping, and Filters
- Supporting High-density Screens
- Switching Resolution

- Using Modern Image Formats
- Art Direction, Scalable Vector Graphics, Font Icons

- Form Basic
- Form Styling
- CSS Frameworks
- Text Fields
- Data Lists
- Dropdown Lists
- Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Sliders, File Inputs
- Grouping Related Fields
- Hidden Fields
- Data Validation
- Submitting the Form

- Transformations
- 3D Transformations
- Transitions
- Animations
- Reusable Animations

- CSS Best Practices
- Variables
- Object-oriented CSS
- BEM (Block Element Modifier)

- Introduction to Javascript
- JavaScript in Browsers
- Separation of Concerns
- JavaScript in Node
- Variables and Constants
- Primitive and Dynamic Types
- Introduction to Objects, Arrays, Functions and Function Types
- Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Equality Operators, Ternary
Operator, Logical Operators, Logical Operators with Non-booleans, Bitwise Operators, and Operators
- If...else
- For
- While
- Do...while
- Infinite Loops
- and For...of
- Break and Continue

- Object Basics
- Factory Functions
- Constructor Functions
- Dynamic Nature of Objects
- Constructor Property
- Functions are Objects
- Value vs Reference Types
- Enumerating Properties of an Object

- Cloning an Object
- Garbage Collection
- JavaScript Math
- JavaScript String
- JavaScript Date
- Template Literals

- Array Basics
- Adding Elements
- Finding Elements (Primitives and Reference Types)
- Arrow Functions
- Removing Elements
- Emptying an Array
- Combining and Slicing Arrays
- The Spread Operator
- Iterating, Joining, and Sorting an Array
- Testing the Elements of an Array
- Filtering an Array
- Mapping an Array
- Reducing an Array

- Function Declarations vs Expressions
- Hoisting
- Arguments
- The Rest Operator
- Default Parameters
- Getters and Setters

- Try and Catch
- Local vs Global Scope
- Let vs Var
- The this Keyword
- Changing this

JavaScript Dom
- Introduction to DOM
- Methods
- Document
- Elements
- Forms
- Animations
- Events and Event Listeners
- Navigation
- Nodes, Collections, and Node List

- Window
- Screen
- Location
- History
- Navigator
- Popup Alert
- Timing
- Cookies

JavaScript Web API(s)
- Form
- History
- Storage
- Fetch

- Introduction to jQuery
- Selectors
- Events
- Hide/Show
- Fade
- Slide
- Animate
- Stop
- Callback
- Chaining
- Set, Get, Add, and Remove
- Css classes
- Css and Dimensions

- Introduction to jQuery AJAX
- Load
- Get/Post

Backend Development (Optional)

- Introduction to Node Js
- Global Object
- Modules
- Creating a Module
- Loading a Module
- Module Wrapper Function
- Path Module
- OS Module
- File System Module
- Events Module
- Event Arguments
- Extending EventEmitter
- HTTP Module
- Working with NPM

- Introduction to RESTful Services and Express Js
- Environment Variables

- Config Files
- Route Parameters
- Request Headers and Query Params
- Express middleware

- Database and DBMS
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Unit and Integration Testing
- Linux

- Containerization Concepts
- Docker Basics
- Docker Images and Docker Compose
- Docker Networking and Orchestration
- Isolation and Security
- Minimizing image size and creating reproducible builds.
- Manage Docker images and repositories with Docker Hub and private registries.
- Service discovery, scaling, and rolling updates.
- AWS or Google Cloud Platform.

- Learn about the history and development of Linux.
- Linux distribution like Ubuntu or CentOS
- Virtual machine
- Basic Linux commands and the file system structure.
- Basic Linux commands and file system navigation.

- Create and manage users and groups in Linux.
- Manage file permissions and ownership in Linux.
- setting permissions on files and directories.
- Sudo to elevate privileges and perform administrative tasks.

- Basics of Linux networking, including IP addresses and network interfaces.
- Configure networking settings in Linux.
- Network diagnostic tools like ping, traceroute, and netstat.

- Manage them using tools like ps and top.
- Manage Linux services using systemctl and other tools.
- Linux boot processes and how to configuration and Management

- Types of Linux file systems, including ext4 and XFS.
- Create, mount, and unmount file systems in Linux.
- Linux storage technologies like RAID and LVM.
- File systems and storage in Linux Management.

- Linux security, including firewalls, SELinux, and SSH.
- Linux virtualization technologies like KVM and Docker.
- Linux containers and how to manage them using tools like LXC and systemd-nspawn.
- Linux automation tools like Ansible and Puppet.

- NGINX configuration directives, including common ones like server_name, root, and location.
- Configure NGINX to serve static files and handle dynamic content.
- Configure NGINX to proxy requests to other servers or applications.
- Configuring NGINX to serve static files, handle dynamic content, and proxy requests.

- NGINX security best practices, including SSL/TLS encryption and basic authentication.
- Configuration of SSL/TLS encryption in NGINX.
- Configuration basic authentication in NGINX.

- NGINX performance tuning and optimization techniques.
- Caching to improve NGINX performance.
- Load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple servers.

- Websockets and HTTP/2.
- NGINX to support websockets.
- NGINX to support HTTP/2.
- NGINX to support websockets and HTTP/2.

- NGINX deployment and management tools, like Ansible and Puppet.
- NGINX logs and monitoring tools to troubleshoot issues.
- Automation NGINX configuration and deployment using tools like Docker and Kubernetes.
- NGINX ecosystem, including popular modules and extensions.

- NGINX deployment and management tools, like Ansible and Puppet.
- NGINX logs and monitoring tools to troubleshoot issues.
- Automation NGINX configuration and deployment using tools like Docker and Kubernetes.
- NGINX ecosystem, including popular modules and extensions.

Full-Stack Development (Optional)

Take a combination of all modules in Frontend and Backend Development to become a certified Full-Stack Software Developer

Frontend + Backend = Full-Stack

What you'll learn

Learn how to develop effective and captivating websites using the latest web development tools and practices. Gain experience developing with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and more.

Web Development Fundamentals
- Languages and Tools of Web Development
- How the Web Works
- Inspecting HTTP Requests and Responses
- HTML & CSS Basics
- Inspecting Pages Using DevTools & Start9- Validating Web Pages

HTML Fundamentals
- The Head Section
- Text
- Entities
- Hyperlinks
- Images, Videos, Audio
- Lists
- Tables
- Containers
- Semantic Elements
- Structuring a Web Page

CSS Fundamentals
- Providing CSS
- Normalizing CSS
- Selectors
- Inheritance
- Colors, Color Pickers, Gradients
- Borders
- Shadows

Advance HTML & CSS (Layout)
- The Box Model
- Sizing Elements
- Overflowing
- Measurement Units
- Positioning Elements

Advance HTML & CSS (Typography)
- Styling and Embedding Web Fonts
- Flash of Unstyled Text
- Font Services and System Font Stack
- Sizing Fonts

Advance HTML & CSS (Images)
- Image Types and Formats
- Content and Background Images
- CSS Sprites
- Data URLs, Clipping, and Filters
- Using Modern Image Formats
- Art Direction, Scalable Vector Graphics, Font Icons

Advance HTML & CSS (Forms)
- Form Basic
- Form Styling
- CSS Frameworks
- Text Fields
- Data Lists
- Dropdown Lists
- Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Sliders, File Inputs
- Grouping Related Fields
- Hidden Fields
- Data Validation
- Submitting the Form

HTML & CSS Project

- Introduction to Javascript
- JavaScript in Browsers
- JavaScript in Node
- Variables and Constants
- Primitive and Dynamic Types
- Introduction to Objects, Arrays, Functions and Function Types
- Operators

JavaScript Objects
- Object Basics
- Factory Functions
- Constructor Functions
- Dynamic Nature of Objects
- Constructor Property
- Functions are Objects
- Value vs Reference Types
- Enumerating Properties of an Object

JavaScript Arrays
- Array Basics
- Adding Elements
- Finding Elements (Primitives and Reference Types)

JavaScript Functions
- Function Declarations vs Expressions
- Hoisting
- Arguments
- The Rest Operator
- Default Parameters
- Getters and Setters
- Try and Catch
- Local vs Global Scope
- Let vs Var
- The this Keyword

JavaScript Dom
- Introduction to DOM
- Methods
- Document
- Elements
- Forms
- Animations
- Events and Event Listeners
- Navigation
- Nodes, Collections, and Node List

- Introduction to jQuery
- Selectors
- Events
- Hide/Show
- Fade
- Slide
- Animate
- Stop
- Callback
- Chaining
- Set, Get, Add, and Remove
- Css classes
- Css and Dimensions

Advance JavaScript
- Object Literals
- Factories
- Constructors
- Constructor Property
- Functions are Objects
- Value vs Reference Types
- Adding or Removing Properties
- Enumerating Properties
- Abstraction
- Private Properties and Methods
- Getters and Setters
- Inheritance
- Prototypes and Prototypical Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Property Descriptors
- Constructor Prototypes
- Prototype vs Instance Members
- Iterating Instance and Prototype Members

- Introduction to React
- Components
- Class vs Fonction Component
- Understanding State
- Lifecycle Methods
- Component hierarchy
- Sharing Data between Components
- Props
- Props vs State
- Parent vs Child Components
- Rendering Lists
- Conditional Rendering
- Forms
- Tables
- Using External Packages
- React Hooks
- Calling Backend Services
- Routing
- Authentication and Authorization
- Debugging React Apps

- Introduction to Node Js
- Global Object
- Modules
- Creating a Module
- Loading a Module
- Module Wrapper Function
- Path Module
- OS Module
- File System Module
- Events Module
- Event Arguments
- Extending EventEmitter
- HTTP Module
- Working with NPM

Building RESTful API's Using Express - Introduction to RESTful Services and Express Js - Environment Variables - Config Files - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Request - Route Parameters - Request Headers and Query Params - Express middleware - Database and DBMS - PostgreSQL - MongoDB - Unit and Integration Testing - MERN Stack


 Is this programme right for you?

Is this programme right for you?

This programme is designed for anyone with an analytic mindset who seeks professional development, a new career, a high income skill or digital skill empowerment.

We've trained over 5000 students

Requirements & Benefits

No prior background in computer science is required to start this course. However, basic computer literacy is required.
Commitment to undertake a technology course is also vital.

Experience fifteen practical modules steering you through each stage of your innovation journey. These modules also equip you with the necessary tools to think critically and create innovative solutions.

Physical and online training options
Flexible mode of payment. Learn at your pace. Learn from the comfort of your home. Mobile friendly.
Laptops and Desktops computers available for training
No need to invest in buying a new compatible computer.
High grade certified and experienced facilitators
Learn from qualified and certified facilitators
Central location in Abuja, Lagos and Nasarawa
Save cost in commuting as located in the city centers near you
No prior Digital Skill knowledge required.
You don’t need prior Computer or Digital knowledge to become a Digital professional
Join a network of other Digital enthusiasts who will share ideas, knowledge and opportunities with you.
Access to workstation Learning resources, Fast track templates, guide and softwares.
Get ahead of others with latest guide, fast track templates and softwares
Access to information on travel opportunities
Get expert information on how to relocate abroad using your new tech skill to your advantage

Become a Certified Software Developer

And get access to job opportunities in 5 months guaranteed.
Pay now and get a FREE Powerbank or N3,000 Airtime on any network of your choice.

Pricing For Students Corp members Freelancers Students Everyone

What you’ll get


16 weeks
16 weeks
32 weeks



Get ahead with learning resources, fast track templates, guides and softwares


Exclusive Software Development community to share ideas, knowledge and opportunities


Only 10 Slots Available – Secure Yours Now!

Join the Instructor-led virtual class with a special offer of 25% discount and pay N262,500 for either Frontend or Backend, or N487,500 for Full-stack.

Get Everything with our Special Offer of 25% off

(Offer ends 27th February, 2023)
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Pricing For Students Corp members Freelancers Students Everyone

Only 10 Slots Available – Secure Yours Now!

Only 10 Slots Available – Secure Yours Now!

Think about it, if you don’t take action now, when will you take it? NEVER!

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Frequently Asked Questions About This Course

What is full stack, Back-end and Front-end software development?
  • Full stack software development is the practice of building both the front-end and back-end components of a web or mobile application. Full stack developers are proficient in both server-side and client-side programming languages and frameworks. 
  • Backend development refers to the server-side of web development, which includes writing code that runs on the server and handles tasks like data storage, application logic, and security.
  • Frontend development is the practice of building the user-facing part of a website or application. Frontend developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interfaces that users interact with.
Who is a software development course for?

Our software development course is suitable for anyone who wants to pursue a career in web or mobile application development, or wants to learn how to build a complete application from start to finish.

Where does the course take place?

Our physical classes are in Abuja and Lagos. We are located at 6a Embu street off Aminu Kano crescent, Wuse 2,  and at 44, Ogunlana Drive, Surulere, Lagos.

Can I join the program remotely?

Yes, we have options for instructor-led virtual learning and typical virtual learning.

What are the prerequisites for your software development course?

Our courses are beginners-friendly, so there is no prerequisite for this course.

What kind of assignments and assessments are included in your software development course?

Assignments and assessments in our full stack software development course include coding challenges, projects, and peer reviews. These assignments and assessments are designed to help you apply the concepts you’ve learned in the course and get feedback on your performance.

What kind of career opportunities are available in software development?

Software development is a versatile and in-demand skillset, and there are many career opportunities available in web development, mobile app development, and software engineering. Some common job titles in software development include full stack developer, software engineer, frontend development, backend designer, server-side engineer, and web application developer.

How long does it take to be really good at it so I can start making money from it?

Becoming good at Software Developer, requires a great deal of practice, attention to detail, while there is no timeline for how good it takes to become really good in Software Development. During the course of this training we will help you build your portfolio to be strong and be able to stand out in the job market.

What certificate am I getting after the training?

After the completion of your capstone project, and passing your mock exams, you would get the Seedbuilders Certificate Of Completion.


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P.S.: Become a certified software developer4 months.
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If you do not pay now, you will lose out on this one-time offer and pay ₦700,000 once classes commence.

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